SMASH stands for "Serious Medical Advisors Saving Healthcare" and "IT" stands for Information Technology. Through this podcast we intend to invite guests who provide powerful feedback that will impact listeners and help to inspire a revolution in healthcare of those who are like-minded, educated, and technology driven, to engage collectively in the transformation of healthcare as we know it. We will engage in tantalizing topics that surround what it means to think differently when it comes to a "Buy Differently and Sell Differently" attitude that is required to initiate the changes needed in healthcare. The technology is available today to make these changes... so why don't we? Together we can create a solid foundation to eliminate the wasteful spending in healthcare and correct the course! Get ready to get SMASHed!! www.SmashIThealthcare.com
Episode 007: The Start of a Healthcare Revolution > Famgenix CEO pioneers healthcare first! Genetics anyone?
Marketing Manager
Season 1
Episode 7
What if your genetics sat on your couch and told you a true story of your family's health history dating back two hundred years and explained how certain members thrived and how the others didn't fair so well and why. This genetics messenger of truth then continued to share with you what foods you may want to avoid, what medicines may help and which simply will not. Would you listen? Would you welcome such a sit down meeting? In this episode we learn how Famgenix is changing healthcare by helping patients and their physicians have real conversations about their genetics and the role it plays in their health "care". This is one show you will not want to miss... your life may depend on it! www.SmashIThealthcare.com